Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

RSHE Lead Teacher: Mrs Rebekah Faber

At Oaklands, we believe it is vital to teach our pupils to understand the importance of stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care in family life. We strive to provide our pupils with the skills to keep themselves safe, healthy and happy as well as promote positive beliefs, values and attitudes. We ensure that all our pupils are taught how to be healthy and safe in their lives and in the choices that they make.

Our RSHE curriculum aims to help our pupils deal with the real-life issues they face as they grow up. Their learning will support them both online and offline, to make informed choices about their safety, physical and mental health, enabling them to live positive and fulfilled lives. Our whole school values and curriculum provision aim to respond to the diversity of all pupil's cultures, faiths, sexuality and family backgrounds.

We teach much of our relationships, sex and health education during bespoke RSHE lessons. Please see our RSHE policy for more information. Detailed schemes of work can also be found on the RSHE and PSHE curriculum pages.

If you would like any further information or support, please contact Mrs Faber.

Useful websites and resources

Public Health England resources intended to support with many topics including bullying, puberty, social media, stress and more.

‘It’s not OK’ includes fictional stories to support young people in identifying unhealthy relationship behaviours. These are best used with pupils in year 9 and above.

‘Love Life’ is a SEND specific resource that is useful for supporting your conversations with your young person around feelings, privacy and boundaries, friendship, different kinds of love and online safety.

Band Runner is a fun game intended to help younger children to think about online safety.

The Proud Trust has a variety of resources to support you in discussing sexuality and gender identity with your young person.

#AskTheAwkward has a variety of resources to support you in discussing relationships and sex with your young person.