Physical Education


Physical Education

Every student studies physical education in every year group with full access to the Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four National Curriculum.

Our year 7 students also take part in swimming lessons for the whole academic year.

Throughout both key stages physical education is delivered in an engaging and enjoyable way. We provide a learning environment with excellent facilities were every learner can fulfil their potential.


The Team

The team is made up of an experienced Physical Education teacher who is ably supported by teaching assistants who have a real passion for sport and are well qualified in their own specialist areas.


Achievement and Progress

Pupil progress is monitored using teacher assessment based on the National Curriculum guidelines. We offer a Level 1 Award Skills in Professions in Sport to KS4 pupils as an option. Our aim is to create an enjoyable and productive working environment for both staff and pupils. Together we strive to learn and improve, with participation and achievement being measured, monitored and celebrated.


Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum offers a variety of invasion games, health and fitness, athletics, striking and fielding games and net games.

All children have access to swimming instruction in year 7. In particular, pupils are taught to:

  • Feel safe in and around the pool environment
  • Have an understanding of water safety
  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 10 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively such as front crawl, backstroke and  breast stroke

Swimming lessons are delivered by a combination of our ASA level 1 and 2 qualified teachers and qualified swimming teachers supplied by Brio leisure. We follow the National ASA learn to swim pathways stages 1-7.

  KS3 KS3 Panathlon KS4 Main

Autumn 1

Swimming YR7









Autumn 2

Swimming YR7






Spring 1

Swimming YR7


Indoor Athletics


Indoor Athletics


Indoor Athletics

Spring 2

Swimming YR7

Health and Fitness

Target Games


Health and Fitness

Target Games

Health and Fitness

Target Games


Summer 1

Swimming YR7


Kwik Cricket


Kwik Cricket


Kwik Cricket


Summer 2

Swimming YR7

Kwik Cricket


Kwik Cricket


Kwik Cricket



Extra-Curricular activities and Enrichment 

Every lunchtime the PE team run seasonal sports clubs ranging from football and basketball to Fitness club and Kwik cricket. These clubs have a huge impact on the students and support the process of selecting students to represent Oaklands School in inter-school sports competitions.


Our girls and boys have access to multiple football teams at Oaklands. Our teams are very popular and hugely successful. They take part in the Manchester City ‘One City’ school football leagues hosted at the Etihad Campus by Manchester City.

Kwik Cricket

Our boys and girls have access to our very successful Kwik cricket teams which compete in the county cricket championships each year, a competition we have won on several occasions.

Pan sports

We are continuously accessing local competitions as they arise covering many sports. Our students have many fantastic opportunities here at Oaklands. We have competitive inter-school competitions for all our students. These opportunities have included multi-sport festivals, Panathlon competitions, indoor rowing, athletics, swimming, basketball and much more.


Sports day at Oaklands is a special celebration of our unique students and all that they have achieved. The day is an opportunity for the whole school community to come together and support and appreciate our fantastic young people.

The whole of sports week is a mixture of track and field athletics, multi-skills sports, target games and house competitions.