Religious Education


There is a team of teachers, supported by teaching assistants, who deliver the RE curriculum at Oaklands; overall co-ordination is undertaken by the subject leader.

Achievement and Progress

Assessment is made through continual teacher analysis which gives opportunities for additional support or extension activities where appropriate. Progress in lessons is measured against outcomes which are differentiated by difficulty; where appropriate brief summative assessments are given at the end of each unit which, when combined with ongoing teacher assessment, provide data to track pupil progress.

Curriculum Overview

Religious Education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. It challenges pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses. Religious Education should encourage all participants to reflect on their own beliefs and values and to acknowledge that others hold beliefs different from their own. (Agreed new CWAC Syllabus Sept. 2019)

Religious Education has two closely related aspects:

Learning about Religion and Learning from Religion.





Year 7

Christian Beliefs and Teachings

Who is God

What is the bible

Who is Jesus

Why is Jesus important to Christians

Christian festivals (Christmas)

Jewish Beliefs and Teachings

Beliefs about God

The Torah

The future

Celebrations, festivals and special events

Family and Community Life


Sikhi Beliefs and Teachings

Who is Guru Nanak

The importance of the Golden Temple

The importance of their holy books

Features of the Gurdwara

Sikhi symbolism

Year 8

Christian Practices


Celebrations, festivals & special events

The Church

How Christians pray


Islam Beliefs and Teachings

Who is Allah

Who is Mohammad

The pillars of faith

Muslim festivals

Hinduism - Beliefs and Teachings

Hindu beliefs about God

Sacred Scriptures

Worship (Puja) in the home and in the temple (Mandir)

Celebration, festivals and special events

Year 9

Buddhism - Beliefs / Teaching / practices

Beliefs expressed in stories of the Buddha

Teaching expressed in the Four Truths

Symbols which help understand the teaching of Buddha

Buddhist Practice

Festivals and daily ceremonies

The Buddhist community

Baha'i Faith Beliefs and Teachings

Baha'i belief in one God

The Oneness of religion and progressive Revelation

The Oneness of Mankind

The Soul

Worship and community life

Humanist Beliefs and Christian Morals

What are morals

What is a parable

What did Jesus teach

How to respect others

How to care for the world

How to question the world around us 


KS4 Students all work towards an AIM Awards Entry Level Qualification

Introduction to General Religious Education 

The Component has 7 standards and students will study the standards over two years. The component is assessed internally and externally verified by AIM Award.

Y10  & Y11   
  1. Know about religion and spirituality
  2. Know the demands of religious commitment in everyday life 
  3. Have an awareness of questions about life
  4. Have an awareness of religious practices
  5. Have an awareness of different faith traditions within contemporary society
  6. Have an awareness of the relationship between religious belief and lived experience
  7. Make a distinction between right and wrong in contemporary culture.