Year 10 Creative Art
Year 10 GCSE Art & Design
Parent information
Think about the work you have already completed:
- Are there any areas that you feel could be improved?
- Are you able to create a series of observational drawings linked to your theme/ project?
- Drawings and paintings don't always have to be big, create smaller ones that can be added into your sketchbooks.
- Use a variety of mediums such as pen, pencil, coloured pencils, felt tips etc.
- Could you create an interesting artist research sheet?
- Can you gather any images to create a mood board?
- Use a variety of materials in your work, remember to annotate (put down your own thoughts and feelings)
- Add a link artist to your work – take inspiration from them and incorporate into your own work.
- Make your pages interesting and creative think about the layout of pages.
- They can use the internet to gather images as well as newspapers, magazines, photographs (New and old)
- All pupils know which theme their own project is based on.
Entry Level Art – Year 10
Parent information
Pupils are currently looking at patterns and optical art – they have an updated booklet to work from with extra ideas inside.
Please note you do not have to complete the whole booklet at once and if they have already completed a piece of work with your child you do not have to do it twice unless you feel it will give them more practice.
- Use lots of colour
- Create own patterns that may look like illusions
- Make your work interesting
- Have fun!